meet GEORGE!

Hopefully, many of you have had an opportunity to meet "George", the tree that was planted at the Family Fun Night in mid-June. If not, please stop by and give him a gentle treehug; he's planted along St. Catherine Street, next to the wary spruces.

Here's a bit more info on George. 

  • George is an American Elm (ulmus americana)and bred to be resistant to Dutch Elm Disease at U of G's arboretum by Henry Kock, noted horticulturalist (read about him HERE). 
  • American Elms are typically quite hardy and can withstand the extreme weather we enjoy here in Southern Ontario. They can grow to be quite big and majestic, with a large leafy canopy.
  • George is actually one of the Grandbabies raised up by Green Legacy, County of Wellington (read about them HERE).
  • They donated him to us but, want to know about any babies he sires. They will come and get seedlings for this breeding program.
  • Read more about the Elm Recovery Project HERE.

This collage of photo's is of a wonderful group of volunteers who got together before the Family Fun Night, to dig a hole for George. Awesome team work everyone!


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