The Current Schoolyard as of April 2013

The schoolyard currently is very empty, uninteresting, and bland. There are some trees planted along the periphery of the field and yard, but they look like they need some more care.

These poor trees are already dying. You can see the spruce on the far left is very skinny and droopy at the top. In order for these trees to grow and thrive they need space from the kids.

Look at these sad, broken and dying branches.

Along this fence is where it is thought that some more greening could happen by creating a path with interesting areas for playing, eating and socializing.

The schoolyard has a lot of black asphalt that will get very hot in the warmer months. More shade for the students has been raised as an important component of the playground plan.

Compared to many other schools in the area our yard is small, so there is not a lot of area to work with. That being said, we have a clean slate and there is a lot of potential for the yard.  All we need is some good ideas and some dedicated people to make them a reality.


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